Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New year to all! Taking some time on my first day of 2016 to post some pictures of our game last Monday. We played the training scenario of the board game Churchill. A unique game where three players take the role of either Stalin, Roosevelt, or Churchill. The full game starts in 43 with the first conference of the "Big Three". Each turn is a conference, and there are ten conferences. By the end of the ten conferences the players need to have defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. During each conference players advance agendas to better there position politically as well as militarily. The really interesting thing is you can't do too well. You want to win but not by too much. It is a alliance after all!

On one side you can see the conference track with three spokes.
This is where players advance issues.
The other half has the maps where you track players advance on various fronts.
We all enjoyed the training scenario of the last three conferences and plan to take on the whole ten conferences game. 

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